Posted on 10/6/2021

Your vehicle brakes help you safely maneuver your car and avoid collisions daily with other objects and vehicles. With such an important role, you should know the signs when they become weak. Grinding, squeaking, or squealing brakes can all be a cause for concern as they are all indications that your brakes could be in trouble. Another sign you should look out for is whether they feel spongy or if your steering wheel feels unstable. Let's dig deeper into what these symptoms could mean! BRAKES GRINDING Grinding or metal-on-metal sounds can tell that the ceramic brake pads have worn down to the metal backing plate. If worn brake pads are not replaced on time, you risk damage to the rest of your brake system, including the brake rotors and calipers. In other words, if you hear grinding sounds when braking, we recommend getting a brake inspection as soon as possible. BRAKES SQUEAKING/SQUEALING Some brake makers install a warning mechanism that purposefully emits a squeal when t ... read more